Wednesday, July 4, 2007

This just in

For those of you able to make the trip to MS I have the following news from Vicki's sister, for those of you going to Ms. Mae's tomorrow night I will see you there.

This is Kortney, Vicki's sister, i just wanted to let you know so you could post it on the website for Vicki, that the address to the church is 10 Barber Road, Silver Creek, MS, 39663... the number is 601-886-7646 or you can call mama and daddy's cell to get more information about Thursday or Friday, and by the way after the burial the church family is having lunch for family and friends at my grandparents house and everyone is welcomed to come, everyone that wants to come can follow us back to the house. thanks again for being great friends to Vicki, she really loved each and everyone of you, and we appreciate everything ya'll have done for her and showed her your love. thanks again george and thanks for creating that website for Vicki that family and friends can look at, it was really sweet of you to do that.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the information, Kortney. My thoughts are with you and your family - I'm so sorry for your (and all of our) loss.


debmayberrie said...


The world will miss your individuality, your generosity, and I will always remember the quiet strength you carried while you were battling your cancer. Sincere thoughts to your family at this time.
Debbie and Graeme Mayberrie

M Styborski said...

Forgive the repetition, I posted this in the Krewe of Chartreuse group on flickr:

Sad to hear about Vicki. We never really met outside KoC events, but every year she would be all smiles and hugs, (and shots of Green,) when I arrived at the Rumpus. It will be a little less Green this year, and in future years, without her.